Thursday 27 February 2014

Kindy News Week 6

Hello Everyone,

Here is the Kindy News for next week.

Please read about the changes to car lines in the morning. We are confident that the students can walk into school independently.

Thank you for all the offers of parent help in the classroom. We have sent home a green note to confirm your day and time.

Have a restful weekend,

Mrs Peddie and Mrs Blake

Kindy News Week 6

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Teddy Bears' Picnic with our Year 5 Buddies

Here are our Teddy Bears and their proud owners. We enjoyed 'going in disguise', eating our Tiny Teddy biscuits, chatting with our buddies and dancing.

The Year 5's really got into 'Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes' and 'The Hokey Pokey'.

Thursday 20 February 2014

Hello Everyone,

We hope you'll enjoy looking at our 'Kinder Blog' each week.
Although it is set up under KB's name it will be a blog for both Kindergarten classes.

We will endeavour to make it as interesting as possible, so check in each week to see what's new.

Next week, look out for cute photos of our Teddy Bear picnic with our buddies from Year 5.

Mrs Blake and Mrs Peddie

Sunday 16 February 2014

Fun With Kindergarten

Kindergarten have been enjoying maths and writing activities. We hope you enjoy these photos.