Thursday 26 June 2014

Farewell Mrs Peddie

Hello Everyone,
We were very sad to farewell Mrs Peddie today.
We wish her many blessings as she leaves us to have her first baby.
KP and KB will look forward to her visiting us next term with her new baby.
All our prayers and best wishes to you, Mrs Peddie. We will miss you!

A Celebration

Hello Everyone,
We have made it to the end of a very busy term. We hope you enjoyed the snapshots of your child's work in the portfolios and congratulated them on their amazing achievements.
We are very proud of their progress and how far they have come since the beginning of the year.
We had a little party today to celebrate the completion of our English unit.
Here are some photos of musical statues, pass the parcel and party food!

Have a safe and restful holiday.
Mrs Peddie and Mrs Blake

Wednesday 18 June 2014

Artistic Gymnastics in Kindy

Hello Everyone,
Kindergarten really had a huge workout last week in gymnastics. They had to balance, coordinate legs and arms and follow instructions. What a clever group!

Here are some photos from KB's lesson. KP also did exactly the same routines.

Thursday 12 June 2014

KB Buddies Week 7

Hello Everyone,
This week KB were focusing on the letter/sound 'N'. In our buddy time together, their challenge was to use newspaper to create a collage and only add small decorative touches to enhance the picture.

They created some very imaginative art works.

Kindy News Week 8

Kindy News Week 8

Kindergarten Visits The Healthy Harold Van

Hello Everyone,
Kindergarten have had a wonderful time learning about healthy foods, the body and people who help us in the Healthy Harold van.
Some interesting comments were overheard when Tam the life-sized body model revealed the different organs by lighting up each organ. They were fascinated to see where the heart, brain, stomach and veins were in the body.
On the walk back to the classroom, Mrs Blake was asked if Harold was real. She had to confirm that he really was just a puppet. They also wanted to know what was behind the curtain ???? Maybe Harold's house or banana skins???

 Here are some photos to enjoy.